Yesterday concluded the two day event that occurs every summer on the campus of Purdue University, Summer Field Day. I have the honor to serve as President of the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation (MRTF) in 2012.
The events began on Monday with a board meeting and then the Award of Achievement reception at the Hilton Garden Inn in West Lafayette. Awards were presented to the following:
Jim Held - Automatic Irrigation
Dr. Rick Latin - Purdue University
Steve Mueller - Pine Valley Country Club
Purdue Athletics
As stated on the MRTF Website, "The MRTF Award of Achievement, established in 2005, was created to honor those who unselfishly have given to the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation, the Turf Industry and Purdue University."
To see past award recipients, go to the MRTF website.
Here is a photo of the recipients:
L to R - Steve Mueller, Brian Bornino (Purdue Athletics), Jim Held, Dr. Rick Latin
Yesterday, the Field Day took place at the Daniel Center on the campus of Purdue University. Close to 500 attendees toured the research plots and the tradeshow to learn more about turfgrass research. Here are a couple of early morning photos:
The trade show:
A view of the research plots:
A special thanks to the Purdue Turfgrass staff and the MRTF Board of Directors for another successful event.
Be sure to support your local turfgrass research center and foundation. If you are in the midwest, please consider supporting the MRTF. Go to the
MRTF website to learn more.
After all, supporting turfgrass research leads to studies like the one below:
Look for results of this yet to be released study later this year. Let's just say it will be very relevant with the weather we are experimenting in 2012.
Go to to learn more about J&D Turf.
Play on!